IP support in newer Vivado 2023.2

    • IP support in newer Vivado 2023.2

      Attempting to compile the BeastLink V1_0 IP block into a test design yields an error.


      1. ERROR: [Synth 8-5809] Error generated from encrypted envelope. [/sources_1/bd/design_1/ipshared/431b/src/fx3_axis_dma_interface.vhd:1]
      It appears that Xilinx is now obsoleting IP encryption keys after 5 years. The file i question is using the (key_keyname = "xilinxt_2017_05") key and I believe based the link article would be obsolete in the 2023 version. It may be worth providing an updated version of the IP for anyone using newer vivado with your boards. Not sure why Xilinx has added this additional headache.
