Are the FPGA design examples available in Verilog HDL?
We strictly recommend to learn some VHDL basics, if you want to use parts of our demo designs and understand the most important things. Perhaps you want to take a look at this tutorial: VHDL Tutorial
It is written in English. In Europe and especially in Germany VHDL is most widely used instead of Verilog. So Verilog versions of our demo FPGA designs are not planned. You will maybe have to change some VHDL port declarations from extended data types (multidimensional arrays, records) to simple data types (std_logic, std_logic_vector(<>)) in a mixed language design flow.
We strictly recommend to learn some VHDL basics, if you want to use parts of our demo designs and understand the most important things. Perhaps you want to take a look at this tutorial: VHDL Tutorial
It is written in English. In Europe and especially in Germany VHDL is most widely used instead of Verilog. So Verilog versions of our demo FPGA designs are not planned. You will maybe have to change some VHDL port declarations from extended data types (multidimensional arrays, records) to simple data types (std_logic, std_logic_vector(<>)) in a mixed language design flow.
CESYS development engineer / FPGA design
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