A sign of life

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    • A sign of life

      Hello to all!
      After a long time, here is a sign of life.
      I'm just here to bring the forum back on track. It had to be closed temporary because it was flooded by spam bots.
      Now, it is protected by a more secure registration process.
      In addition, the Cesys homepage desperately needs a relaunch. So much to do, so little time.
      Nevertheless, I will report from time to time what is new, what our developers are working, and what new things, we have in the pipeline.
      Stay tuned.
      Manfred Kraus
      Cesys GmbH
    • A little side note: cesys.com underwent a general overhaul and will shine like new.

      Yahoooooo! It took longer than expected but I like the result.
      The new Cesys homepage on cesys.com has a clear structure now.
      It is not multilingual any more because of a reason and a warranting.
      Keeping a multilingual website currently is not as easy as it seems - and it takes twice the time.
      This was the reason to have it in English language only. The defense is that someone who does not
      understand information presented in english language, will not be able to use FPGA development tools,
      compilers or anything related to modern technology. Does this make sense?
      Besides, google translator is getting better :rolleyes:
      Manfred Kraus
      Cesys GmbH